Virus yang pertama kali muncul di dunia ini bernama [Elk Cloner] lahir kira-kira tahun 1981 di TEXAS A&M. Menyebar melalui disket Apple II yang ada operating systemnya. Sang perusak ini mendisplay pesan di layar : “It will get on all your disks-It will infiltrate your chips–yes it is Cloner!-It will stick to you like glue-It will modify RAM too-send in the Cloner!” Hi……………….
Nama “Virus” itu sendiiri baru diberkan setelah 2 tahun kelahirannya oleh Len Adleman pada 3 November 1983 dalam sebuah seminar yang ngebahas cara membuat virus and memproteksi diri dari virus. Tapi orang-orangorang sering menganggap bahwa virus yang pertama kali muncul adalah virus [Brain] yang justru lahir tahun 1986. Wajar aja, soalnya virus ini yang paling menggemparkan dan paling meluas penyebarannya karean menjalar melalui disket DOS yang waktu itu lagi ngetrend. Lahirnya juga bersamaan dengan [PC-Write Trojan] dan [Vindent]
Mulai saat itu, `virus mulai menguasai dunia. Perkembangannya mengerikan dan sangar banget ! berselang satu tahun muncul virus pertama yang menginfeksi file. Biasanya yang diserang adalah file yang berekstensi *.exe Virus ini bernama [suriv] termasuk dalam golongan virus “jerussalem”. Kecepatan penyebarannya cukup ‘menggetarkan hati’ untuk saat itu. Tapi virus ini ngga’ terlalu jahat ko’ soalnya virus ini menghantam dan menghajar mainframe-nya IBM ngga’ lama-lama, cuma setahun (eh setahun itu lama apa sebentar ya…?)
Tahun 1988, muncul serangan BESAR terhadap Machintosh oleh virus [MacMag] dan [scores] dan jaringan Internet dihajar habis-habisan oleh virus buatan Robert Morris. Tahun 1989 ada orang iseng yang ngirim file “AIDS information program” dan celakanya, begitu file ini dibuka, yang didapat bukannya info tentang AIDS, tapi virus yang mengenskrypsi harddisk dan meminta bayaran untuk kode pembukanya (hehehe…….. ada-ada aja cara orang nyari duit)
Sejak saat itu, penyebaran virus udah ngga’ keitung lagi. Akan tetapi dampak yang ditimbulkan ngga’ terlalu besar. Baru tahun 1995 muncul serangan besar-besaran. Ngga’ tanggung-tanggung, mereka nyerang perusahaan-perusahaan besar diantaranya Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM dan masih banyak PERUSAHAAN RAKSASA lain yang dianiaya oleh “INETRNET LIBERATION FRONT” di hari ~Thanksgiving~. Karena keberanian dan kedahsyatan serangan itu, tahun 1995 dijuluki sebagai tahunnya para Hacker dan Cracker.
Para Cracker memang tidak pernah puas. Setiap muncul sistem operasi atau program baru, mereka sudah siap dengan virus barunya. Kamu yang sering ngetik dengan MS Word mungkin pernah nemuin virus Titassic. Ini virus local asli Indonesia lho… and uniknya, virus ini ngingetin kita buat sholat tepat pada waktunya (waduh, alim juga ya..) Tapi jangan salah, virus macro yang punya judul [concept]ini juga bisa berhati jahat, sangar and ganas banget. Soalnya si alim yang jahat ini bakalan ngemusnahin 80% file-file data and program korbannya.
Nah, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, muncul virus pertama yang mengkombinasi virus macro dan worm. Namanya cukup manis [Melissa]. Tapi ngga’ semanis namanya, virus ini bakalan menyebar ke orang lain lewat E-Mail and yang paling menyakitkan, ia bakalan nyebar ke semua alamat E-Mail yang ada di address book-mu. Dan saat ini muncul jutaan virus yang bergentayangan ngga’ karuan di alam Internet.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Generasi Pertama
Dengan terjadinya Perang Dunia Kedua, negara-negara yang terlibat dalam perang tersebut berusaha mengembangkan komputer untuk mengeksploit potensi strategis yang dimiliki komputer. Hal ini meningkatkan pendanaan pengembangan komputer serta mempercepat kemajuan teknik komputer. Pada tahun 1941, Konrad Zuse, seorang insinyur Jerman membangun sebuah komputer, Z3, untuk mendesain pesawat terbang dan peluru kendali.
Pihak sekutu juga membuat kemajuan lain dalam pengembangan kekuatan komputer. Tahun 1943, pihak Inggris menyelesaikan komputer pemecah kode rahasia yang dinamakan Colossus untuk memecahkan kode-rahasia yang digunakan Jerman. Dampak pembuatan Colossus tidak terlalu mempengaruhi perkembangan industri komputer dikarenakan dua alasan. Pertama, colossus bukan merupakan komputer serbaguna (general-purpose computer), ia hanya didesain untuk memecahkan kode rahasia. Kedua, keberadaan mesin ini dijaga kerahasiaannya hingga satu dekade setelah perang berakhir.
Usaha yang dilakukan oleh pihak Amerika pada saat itu menghasilkan suatu kemajuan lain. Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), seorang insinyur Harvard yang bekerja dengan IBM, berhasil memproduksi kalkulator elektronik untuk US Navy. Kalkulator tersebut berukuran panjang setengah lapangan bola kaki dan memiliki rentang kabel sepanjang 500 mil. The Harvd-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, atau Mark I, merupakan komputer relai elektronik. Ia menggunakan sinyal elektromagnetik untuk menggerakkan komponen mekanik. Mesin tersebut beropreasi dengan lambat (ia membutuhkan 3-5 detik untuk setiap perhitungan) dan tidak fleksibel (urutan kalkulasi tidak dapat diubah). Kalkulator tersebut dapat melakukan perhitungan aritmatik dasar dan persamaan yang lebih kompleks.
Perkembangan komputer lain pada masa kini adalah Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), yang dibuat oleh kerjasama antara pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan University of Pennsylvania . Terdiri dari 18.000 tabung vakum, 70.000 resistor, dan 5 juta titik solder, komputer tersebut merupakan mesin yang sangat besar yang mengkonsumsi daya sebesar 160kW.
Komputer ini dirancang oleh John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) dn John W. Mauchly (1907-1980), ENIAC merupakan komputer serbaguna (general purpose computer) yang bekerja 1000 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan Mark I.
Pada pertengahan 1940-an, John von Neumann (1903-1957) bergabung dengan tim University of Pennsylvania dalam usha membangun konsep desin komputer yang hingga 40 tahun mendatang masih dipakai dalam teknik komputer. Von Neumann mendesain Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer(EDVAC) pada tahun 1945 dengan sebuh memori untuk menampung baik program ataupun data. Teknik ini memungkinkan komputer untuk berhenti pada suatu saat dan kemudian melanjutkan pekerjaannya kembali. Kunci utama arsitektur von Neumann adalah unit pemrosesan sentral (CPU), yang memungkinkan seluruh fungsi komputer untuk dikoordinasikan melalui satu sumber tunggal. Tahun 1951, UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) yang dibuat oleh Remington Rand, menjadi komputer komersial pertama yang memanfaatkan model arsitektur von Neumann tersebut.
Baik Badan Sensus Amerika Serikat dan General Electric memiliki UNIVAC. Salah satu hasil mengesankan yang dicapai oleh UNIVAC dalah keberhasilannya dalam memprediksi kemenangan Dwilight D. Eisenhower dalam pemilihan presiden tahun 1952.
Komputer Generasi pertama dikarakteristik dengan fakta bahwa instruksi operasi dibuat secara spesifik untuk suatu tugas tertentu. Setiap komputer memiliki program kode-biner yang berbeda yang disebut “bahasa mesin” (machine language). Hal ini menyebabkan komputer sulit untuk diprogram dan membatasi kecepatannya. Ciri lain komputer generasi pertama adalah penggunaan tube vakum (yang membuat komputer pada masa tersebut berukuran sangat besar) dn silinder magnetik untuk penyimpanan data.
Pihak sekutu juga membuat kemajuan lain dalam pengembangan kekuatan komputer. Tahun 1943, pihak Inggris menyelesaikan komputer pemecah kode rahasia yang dinamakan Colossus untuk memecahkan kode-rahasia yang digunakan Jerman. Dampak pembuatan Colossus tidak terlalu mempengaruhi perkembangan industri komputer dikarenakan dua alasan. Pertama, colossus bukan merupakan komputer serbaguna (general-purpose computer), ia hanya didesain untuk memecahkan kode rahasia. Kedua, keberadaan mesin ini dijaga kerahasiaannya hingga satu dekade setelah perang berakhir.
Usaha yang dilakukan oleh pihak Amerika pada saat itu menghasilkan suatu kemajuan lain. Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), seorang insinyur Harvard yang bekerja dengan IBM, berhasil memproduksi kalkulator elektronik untuk US Navy. Kalkulator tersebut berukuran panjang setengah lapangan bola kaki dan memiliki rentang kabel sepanjang 500 mil. The Harvd-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, atau Mark I, merupakan komputer relai elektronik. Ia menggunakan sinyal elektromagnetik untuk menggerakkan komponen mekanik. Mesin tersebut beropreasi dengan lambat (ia membutuhkan 3-5 detik untuk setiap perhitungan) dan tidak fleksibel (urutan kalkulasi tidak dapat diubah). Kalkulator tersebut dapat melakukan perhitungan aritmatik dasar dan persamaan yang lebih kompleks.
Perkembangan komputer lain pada masa kini adalah Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), yang dibuat oleh kerjasama antara pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan University of Pennsylvania . Terdiri dari 18.000 tabung vakum, 70.000 resistor, dan 5 juta titik solder, komputer tersebut merupakan mesin yang sangat besar yang mengkonsumsi daya sebesar 160kW.
Komputer ini dirancang oleh John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) dn John W. Mauchly (1907-1980), ENIAC merupakan komputer serbaguna (general purpose computer) yang bekerja 1000 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan Mark I.
Pada pertengahan 1940-an, John von Neumann (1903-1957) bergabung dengan tim University of Pennsylvania dalam usha membangun konsep desin komputer yang hingga 40 tahun mendatang masih dipakai dalam teknik komputer. Von Neumann mendesain Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer(EDVAC) pada tahun 1945 dengan sebuh memori untuk menampung baik program ataupun data. Teknik ini memungkinkan komputer untuk berhenti pada suatu saat dan kemudian melanjutkan pekerjaannya kembali. Kunci utama arsitektur von Neumann adalah unit pemrosesan sentral (CPU), yang memungkinkan seluruh fungsi komputer untuk dikoordinasikan melalui satu sumber tunggal. Tahun 1951, UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) yang dibuat oleh Remington Rand, menjadi komputer komersial pertama yang memanfaatkan model arsitektur von Neumann tersebut.
Baik Badan Sensus Amerika Serikat dan General Electric memiliki UNIVAC. Salah satu hasil mengesankan yang dicapai oleh UNIVAC dalah keberhasilannya dalam memprediksi kemenangan Dwilight D. Eisenhower dalam pemilihan presiden tahun 1952.
Komputer Generasi pertama dikarakteristik dengan fakta bahwa instruksi operasi dibuat secara spesifik untuk suatu tugas tertentu. Setiap komputer memiliki program kode-biner yang berbeda yang disebut “bahasa mesin” (machine language). Hal ini menyebabkan komputer sulit untuk diprogram dan membatasi kecepatannya. Ciri lain komputer generasi pertama adalah penggunaan tube vakum (yang membuat komputer pada masa tersebut berukuran sangat besar) dn silinder magnetik untuk penyimpanan data.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Contemporary computer put ALU and control units into a single integrated circuit known as the Central Processing Unit or CPU. Typically, the computer memory is placed in the top few small integrated circuits near the CPU. Tool which occupies most of the computer room is ancilliary system (for example, to provide electrical power) or instrument I / O.
Some larger computers differ from the above model in one main thing - they have multiple CPUs and control units working simultaneously. Moreover, several computers, used largely for research purposes and scientific computing, have differed significantly from the above model, but they have found little commercial use.
The function of the computer, in principle, is actually quite simple. Computer reaching the command and data from memory. Command conducted, the results are stored, and subsequent orders achieved. This procedure is repeated until the computer is turned off.
Some larger computers differ from the above model in one main thing - they have multiple CPUs and control units working simultaneously. Moreover, several computers, used largely for research purposes and scientific computing, have differed significantly from the above model, but they have found little commercial use.
The function of the computer, in principle, is actually quite simple. Computer reaching the command and data from memory. Command conducted, the results are stored, and subsequent orders achieved. This procedure is repeated until the computer is turned off.
Commands discussed above is not a command like human language. Computers only have a limited number of simple commands well defined. Ordinary command is understood most of the computer is "copy the contents of cell 123, and a place in the cell clone 456", "add the contents of cell 666 to cell 042, and the result in 013 cells", and "if the contents of cell 999 is 0, the next command you in 345 cells ".
Instructions represented in the computer as a number - code for "copy" may be 001, for example. A set of special commands that are supported by a particular computer is known as machine language. In practice, people usually do not write instructions for computers directly in machine language but use the programming language "high level" is then translated into machine language automatically by special computer programs (interpreters and compilers). Some programming languages are closely related to machine language, such as an assembler (low level languages); on the other hand, languages like Prolog are based on abstract principles far removed from actual implementation details of the engine (high-level language)
Instructions represented in the computer as a number - code for "copy" may be 001, for example. A set of special commands that are supported by a particular computer is known as machine language. In practice, people usually do not write instructions for computers directly in machine language but use the programming language "high level" is then translated into machine language automatically by special computer programs (interpreters and compilers). Some programming languages are closely related to machine language, such as an assembler (low level languages); on the other hand, languages like Prolog are based on abstract principles far removed from actual implementation details of the engine (high-level language)
Input and results
I / O allows the computer to get information from the outside world, and put his work there, can the physical form (hardcopy) or non-physical (softcopy). There are various kinds of devices I / O, from the familiar keyboards, monitors and disk drives, to the more unusual such as a webcam (web camera, printer, scanner, and so on.
Which is owned by all the usual input devices is that they encode (change) information of a kind to the data can be further processed by a digital computer system. Instrument output, decoding the data into information that can be understood by computer users. In this sense, the digital computer system is an example of data processing systems.
Which is owned by all the usual input devices is that they encode (change) information of a kind to the data can be further processed by a digital computer system. Instrument output, decoding the data into information that can be understood by computer users. In this sense, the digital computer system is an example of data processing systems.
Central processing unit or CPU (central processing unit) contributes to process referrals, perform calculation and deal with excessive menerusi information computer system. Processing units or devices will also communicate with the device input, output and storan to implement directives related.
Image: CPU with pins.jpg
Example of a CPU in packaging Ball Grid Array (BGA) is displayed upside down by showing her legs
In the von Neumann architecture of the original, he describes an Arithmetic and Logic Unit and a Control Unit. In modern computers, the two units are located in a single integrated circuit (IC - Integrated Circuit), which is usually called the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Arithmetic and Logic Unit, or Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), is a device that performs the basic implementation as the implementation of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, and the like), the implementation of logical (AND, OR, NOT), and the implementation of comparison (eg, compare the contents of two slots for equality). In this unit performed "work" is real.
Save the command control unit is now done by computers, orders for the implementation of the ALU and get back information (from memory) needed to execute the command, and move back the results to the appropriate memory location. Once that happens, the control unit to go to the next command (usually located in the next slot, except if the order is a jump command that tells the computer that the next order placed at other locations
Image: CPU with pins.jpg
Example of a CPU in packaging Ball Grid Array (BGA) is displayed upside down by showing her legs
In the von Neumann architecture of the original, he describes an Arithmetic and Logic Unit and a Control Unit. In modern computers, the two units are located in a single integrated circuit (IC - Integrated Circuit), which is usually called the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Arithmetic and Logic Unit, or Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), is a device that performs the basic implementation as the implementation of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, and the like), the implementation of logical (AND, OR, NOT), and the implementation of comparison (eg, compare the contents of two slots for equality). In this unit performed "work" is real.
Save the command control unit is now done by computers, orders for the implementation of the ALU and get back information (from memory) needed to execute the command, and move back the results to the appropriate memory location. Once that happens, the control unit to go to the next command (usually located in the next slot, except if the order is a jump command that tells the computer that the next order placed at other locations
Operating systems
The operating system is a combination of such a useful piece of code. As a kind of computer code can be used simultaneously by a wide range of computer programs, after many years, programmers finally menmindahkannya into the operating system.
Operating system, determining which program is run, when, and which tools (such as memory or I / O) that they use. The operating system also provides services to other programs, such as code (drivers) that allows programmers to write programs for a machine without needing to know the details of all electronic devices connected.
[edit] Use of computers
Operating system, determining which program is run, when, and which tools (such as memory or I / O) that they use. The operating system also provides services to other programs, such as code (drivers) that allows programmers to write programs for a machine without needing to know the details of all electronic devices connected.
[edit] Use of computers
Embedded Computers
In about 20 years, many household appliances, particularly including a panel of video games but also includes a cell phone, video cassette recorders, PDAs and many in the household, industrial, automotive, and other electronic equipment, all of which contain electronic circuits such as computer eligible Turing-complete the above (with a note that the programs of these devices are often made directly in the ROM chip which would need to be changed to change the engine program). Other special purpose computer is generally known as a "microcontroller" or "Embedded computer" (embedded computer). Therefore, many of which restrict the definition to computer main purpose tool that is processing information, rather than becoming part of larger systems such as telephone, microwave oven, or a plane, and can be modified for various purposes by users with no physical modifications. The main frame computer, minikomputer, and personal computers (PCs) are the main types of computers that have this definition.
How It Works Sih Flash Disk??
Flash is often referred to as a USB Drive, Pen Drive, Pocket Drive, or microdisk. In the device, embedded memory controller and data storage that are non - volatile alias will not be lost even if there is no electric power. Flash components simpler and relatively less than the hard drive. This is because the flash does not need a dish, motor, or other parts that work mechanically. Flash current age range 10 years (during normal pemakian). Tips for your use of the flash on the Windows operating system release flash Me/2000/XP recommend a safe manner (Safe Removal). This is to avoid the remaining data and have not written from cache to flash memory. Revocation of a sudden flash may cause the data that has not finished writing become damaged. Disconnect safe way to prolong the life of the flash because of the read / write between the computer and the flash is first secured and a short electrical connections (which can damage the flash components) can be prevented.
reset the BIOS settings / CMOS reply terpassword
Action settings reset BIOS / CMOS reply terpassword usually accessible
mem-bypass/merubah done with jumpers on the motherboard, but the following tips
only through a simple instruksi2 assembler, using a small program
yg named debug.exe,. o yes these instructions for Windows-based PCs.
Langkah2nya as follows:
* From a DOS prompt (c: \), type debugging, yg sdh should have as part
from windows
* On-screen prompt will appear typical debugging programs, a "-" without
* From the prompt - type A, followed by ENTER .... On the screen:-D
* Type mov cx, 0 (zero, not letter O) ... on the screen:-mov cx, 0
* Will appear a series of hexadecimal digits, for example 0B05: 0103, note
yg numbers appear in the last 3 digits, 103 for example here, will
pd is the last step
* Type mov ax, cx followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, cx
* Type out 70, al followed ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-out 70, al
* Type mov ax, 0 followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, 0
* Type out 71, al followed ENTER ... ... ... on the screen:-o ut 71, al
* Type inc cx followed by ENTER ... ... .... On the screen:-inc cx
* Type cmp cx, 256 followed by ENTER ... ... on the screen:-cmp cx, 256
* Type JB 103 (yg number appears on the first step), followed by ENTER two
times, on the screen:-jb 103
* Type g (as the command GO)
* Restart / CTRL-ALT-DEL computer.
Complete instructions as follows:
C: \> debug
0B05: 0100 MOV CX, 0
0B05: 0103 MOV AX, CX
0B05: 0105 OUT 70, AL
0B05: 0107 MOV AX, 0
0B05: 010A OUT 71, AL
0B05: 010C INC CX
0B05: 010D CMP CX, 256
0B05: 0111 JB 103
0B05: 0113
mem-bypass/merubah done with jumpers on the motherboard, but the following tips
only through a simple instruksi2 assembler, using a small program
yg named debug.exe,. o yes these instructions for Windows-based PCs.
Langkah2nya as follows:
* From a DOS prompt (c: \), type debugging, yg sdh should have as part
from windows
* On-screen prompt will appear typical debugging programs, a "-" without
* From the prompt - type A, followed by ENTER .... On the screen:-D
* Type mov cx, 0 (zero, not letter O) ... on the screen:-mov cx, 0
* Will appear a series of hexadecimal digits, for example 0B05: 0103, note
yg numbers appear in the last 3 digits, 103 for example here, will
pd is the last step
* Type mov ax, cx followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, cx
* Type out 70, al followed ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-out 70, al
* Type mov ax, 0 followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, 0
* Type out 71, al followed ENTER ... ... ... on the screen:-o ut 71, al
* Type inc cx followed by ENTER ... ... .... On the screen:-inc cx
* Type cmp cx, 256 followed by ENTER ... ... on the screen:-cmp cx, 256
* Type JB 103 (yg number appears on the first step), followed by ENTER two
times, on the screen:-jb 103
* Type g (as the command GO)
* Restart / CTRL-ALT-DEL computer.
Complete instructions as follows:
C: \> debug
0B05: 0100 MOV CX, 0
0B05: 0103 MOV AX, CX
0B05: 0105 OUT 70, AL
0B05: 0107 MOV AX, 0
0B05: 010A OUT 71, AL
0B05: 010C INC CX
0B05: 010D CMP CX, 256
0B05: 0111 JB 103
0B05: 0113
If Windows is the friendly face who presented projects to the world's computers, the BIOS is the dark side of the subconscious in charge to think. BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is a code for the fundamental functions of a PC, such as collecting beats from the keyboard button or put pixel to screen.
This small program works behind the scenes, translating the Windows command-friendly people into numbers zero and one which is only understood by your hardware. And as the human subconscious, the BIOS can be a very strong influence on behavior and performance of your PC.
Therapy BIOS
As new technologies emerge and old bug is found, computer makers often published version has been updated BIOS that can solve problems and improve performance. Check the Web site PC makers about the latest updates. But first make sure you have the latest BIOS version number; usually appears briefly on your screen right after you turn on the system. (Press the Pause button when kilasannya too fast.)
Updating the BIOS is easy, but you must do so with caution. Usually you need to run a small program from a floppy disk only. But if there are problems, you can only mourn the motherboard that you can no longer use. So make sure that you have read all the instructions in the readme file BIOS update. And always do exactly what the instructions say.
If the BIOS is a PC unconscious, then the Setup utility is the foundation for building character PC. Utility has a user setting to control the hard disk, memory, graphics cards, power saving, USB ports, and other hardware. The program is usually included in the disk, but now it is stored in the same chip ROM with the PC BIOS.
To open the setup, simply press the button (or key combination) is recommended to you for inclusion as a PC to start up. Each BIOS manufacturer uses a different key - Delete, F1, or F10. On your screen should show the buttons or knobs which need to setup the right button after the screen displays the BIOS version number. If not, check your system documentation.
Because the Setup utility created by the BIOS manufacturer and are in the same chip with the BIOS, it is often called the BIOS Setup utility. And because of this utility in the chip storing settingnya clock / calendar - chip complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, or CMOS - it is sometimes referred to as the CMOS Setup program. (Chip CMOS have their own batteries to maintain even a PC chip set is turned off.)
Setup utility has an abundance of hardware settings, ranging from the obvious, like setting the clock time on a PC, to the invisible, like a number of "wait states" which coordinates the flow of data between RAM and CPU.
First, Do not Ruin
When working with PC Setup utility, use the same rule of thumb taught in early brain surgery: If you do not know what to do something, do not deal with him. Carelessness change wait state or other settings can degrade performance or even cause system crashes.
If you think you've accidentally changing settings while working with the Setup utility, immediately stop and start from scratch again. All utilities Setup menu choice that lets you exit without saving changes. You may see also the option to restore the settings to default values. Ignore this option: If your PC vendor has been doing fine-tune the system, the default settings of the BIOS manufacturer may make it not optimal.
Backup your settings before making changes. When the battery feed chip clock / calendar to die, your settings to die with him. If you have a setup utility backup option, use it. If not, record the settings in the paper - or press the Print Screen key for each screen in these utilities (but this does not always work).
What Wanted
Before you begin, read to the end user manual that came with your PC or motherboard. Many manuals offer a brief explanation of each setting. Settings vary according to the manufacturer and model, but you should find this on almost all PCs:
Optimization and compatibility settings: Setup Utilities often contain settings for hardware performance. Sometimes this is not an optimal set at the factory, mainly on the PC are made by order or generic. Scan the entire Setup program. AGP mode settings and DMA settings are prime candidates for optimized. These settings are also useful for troubleshooting new hardware installed: Disabling or lowering the settings provided can trigger kompatibelan lack of graphics card, CD-ROM drive, or other devices that happen before.
Setting hard drive: You'll find a table, usually on the second page or Advanced, and under the title "IDE", which lists all the configuration parameters for EIDE hard drives are directly connected to the motherboard. (SCSI and EIDE hard disk drive that has no expansion card will run the configuration program itself.) While most PCs are made over the last few years can seamlessly detect and configure a new hard disk, some require manual installation. Read your new disk documentation about these procedures and use the options on-screen to make changes in this table.
Floppy disk: This option lets you set the type of floppy drives (3.5 inch, 1.44 MB, for example) that you have specified as drive A: or B: you. This is a setting that needs to be checked if you have a floppy-drive problems. Some utilities have setup the security settings `Floppy Read only` in itself prevent your data is written to the floppy disk and deleted from your PC.
Boot sequence: This setting determines where the first views the PC as boot-up instructions. Example: `A: then C:`, `C: and D:`, or `C:,` Zip drive. To boot from the CD-ROM drive, Zip, or LS-120, you seem to have to change this setting.
Password protection: If this is enabled, the BIOS will ask for a password before booting up. So be careful with this one: If you forget the password, you have to reset the motherboard jumpers or removing the CMOS battery, which will cause you to lose all the settings, or you even have to buy a new motherboard.
Setting IRQ: If you need extra IRQ settings for the new hardware, you need to free the IRQ by disabling unused features, such as serial ports, parallel port, or USB port.
Parallel port settings: Select the most appropriate mode for the hardware. ECP or EPP mode can greatly speed up the printers and other devices.
Fan RPM and temperature of the CPU: Two critical parameters should be checked periodically to ensure they function properly.
Help Hardware Offline
Internet is great for finding answers to the questions of hardware, but investigating the Web sites for advice that can be trusted enough to spend time. Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is old-fashioned way: with a good reference book. Below are two of the best.
Upgrading and Repairing PCs ( by Scott Mueller (U.S. $ 60) is a classic book that includes everything you need on the PC and the things you might not know. If you are looking for a comprehensive reference, breadth and depth of this title unbeaten (
PC Hardware in a Nutshell ( by Barbara Fritchman Thompson and Robert Bruce Thompson (U.S. $ 40) is a good practical guide to buying and using PCs. Loaded with advice concise style that clearly provides the information you need, without your having to look for it (
Drive Dirty
Benah-benah the weekend leaving a layer of dust that covered the entire office, and you kuaatir CD-RW drive may be dirty. How should clean it?
Maybe you should not. Even the most subtle rubbing can inhibit laser-sensitive on the drive, so if it is not broke, do not wash. When performance declines, or if your drive can not read the media, try some sprays are directed to either of the air spray cans - available at a price less than U.S. $ 10 in computer stores. Make sure to use a plastic straw that accompany cans. And keep spraying it slowly; pressure spray can cause excessive condensation of moisture accumulated in the interior of the drive. Before using a cleaning kit CD-RW as U.S. $ 15 Kensington Drive Guardian artificial (, seek a recommendation from the drive manufacturer; some recommend, but others do not.
Stop the Old Program
Some software programs that parents really can not function only on a PC at high speed today. If you have old programs that lock or raises an error message every time you want to run it, try CPUKiller; utility is free and easy to use, which allows you to slow down your PC as little or as much as you want. Go to to download it.
This small program works behind the scenes, translating the Windows command-friendly people into numbers zero and one which is only understood by your hardware. And as the human subconscious, the BIOS can be a very strong influence on behavior and performance of your PC.
Therapy BIOS
As new technologies emerge and old bug is found, computer makers often published version has been updated BIOS that can solve problems and improve performance. Check the Web site PC makers about the latest updates. But first make sure you have the latest BIOS version number; usually appears briefly on your screen right after you turn on the system. (Press the Pause button when kilasannya too fast.)
Updating the BIOS is easy, but you must do so with caution. Usually you need to run a small program from a floppy disk only. But if there are problems, you can only mourn the motherboard that you can no longer use. So make sure that you have read all the instructions in the readme file BIOS update. And always do exactly what the instructions say.
If the BIOS is a PC unconscious, then the Setup utility is the foundation for building character PC. Utility has a user setting to control the hard disk, memory, graphics cards, power saving, USB ports, and other hardware. The program is usually included in the disk, but now it is stored in the same chip ROM with the PC BIOS.
To open the setup, simply press the button (or key combination) is recommended to you for inclusion as a PC to start up. Each BIOS manufacturer uses a different key - Delete, F1, or F10. On your screen should show the buttons or knobs which need to setup the right button after the screen displays the BIOS version number. If not, check your system documentation.
Because the Setup utility created by the BIOS manufacturer and are in the same chip with the BIOS, it is often called the BIOS Setup utility. And because of this utility in the chip storing settingnya clock / calendar - chip complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, or CMOS - it is sometimes referred to as the CMOS Setup program. (Chip CMOS have their own batteries to maintain even a PC chip set is turned off.)
Setup utility has an abundance of hardware settings, ranging from the obvious, like setting the clock time on a PC, to the invisible, like a number of "wait states" which coordinates the flow of data between RAM and CPU.
First, Do not Ruin
When working with PC Setup utility, use the same rule of thumb taught in early brain surgery: If you do not know what to do something, do not deal with him. Carelessness change wait state or other settings can degrade performance or even cause system crashes.
If you think you've accidentally changing settings while working with the Setup utility, immediately stop and start from scratch again. All utilities Setup menu choice that lets you exit without saving changes. You may see also the option to restore the settings to default values. Ignore this option: If your PC vendor has been doing fine-tune the system, the default settings of the BIOS manufacturer may make it not optimal.
Backup your settings before making changes. When the battery feed chip clock / calendar to die, your settings to die with him. If you have a setup utility backup option, use it. If not, record the settings in the paper - or press the Print Screen key for each screen in these utilities (but this does not always work).
What Wanted
Before you begin, read to the end user manual that came with your PC or motherboard. Many manuals offer a brief explanation of each setting. Settings vary according to the manufacturer and model, but you should find this on almost all PCs:
Optimization and compatibility settings: Setup Utilities often contain settings for hardware performance. Sometimes this is not an optimal set at the factory, mainly on the PC are made by order or generic. Scan the entire Setup program. AGP mode settings and DMA settings are prime candidates for optimized. These settings are also useful for troubleshooting new hardware installed: Disabling or lowering the settings provided can trigger kompatibelan lack of graphics card, CD-ROM drive, or other devices that happen before.
Setting hard drive: You'll find a table, usually on the second page or Advanced, and under the title "IDE", which lists all the configuration parameters for EIDE hard drives are directly connected to the motherboard. (SCSI and EIDE hard disk drive that has no expansion card will run the configuration program itself.) While most PCs are made over the last few years can seamlessly detect and configure a new hard disk, some require manual installation. Read your new disk documentation about these procedures and use the options on-screen to make changes in this table.
Floppy disk: This option lets you set the type of floppy drives (3.5 inch, 1.44 MB, for example) that you have specified as drive A: or B: you. This is a setting that needs to be checked if you have a floppy-drive problems. Some utilities have setup the security settings `Floppy Read only` in itself prevent your data is written to the floppy disk and deleted from your PC.
Boot sequence: This setting determines where the first views the PC as boot-up instructions. Example: `A: then C:`, `C: and D:`, or `C:,` Zip drive. To boot from the CD-ROM drive, Zip, or LS-120, you seem to have to change this setting.
Password protection: If this is enabled, the BIOS will ask for a password before booting up. So be careful with this one: If you forget the password, you have to reset the motherboard jumpers or removing the CMOS battery, which will cause you to lose all the settings, or you even have to buy a new motherboard.
Setting IRQ: If you need extra IRQ settings for the new hardware, you need to free the IRQ by disabling unused features, such as serial ports, parallel port, or USB port.
Parallel port settings: Select the most appropriate mode for the hardware. ECP or EPP mode can greatly speed up the printers and other devices.
Fan RPM and temperature of the CPU: Two critical parameters should be checked periodically to ensure they function properly.
Help Hardware Offline
Internet is great for finding answers to the questions of hardware, but investigating the Web sites for advice that can be trusted enough to spend time. Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is old-fashioned way: with a good reference book. Below are two of the best.
Upgrading and Repairing PCs ( by Scott Mueller (U.S. $ 60) is a classic book that includes everything you need on the PC and the things you might not know. If you are looking for a comprehensive reference, breadth and depth of this title unbeaten (
PC Hardware in a Nutshell ( by Barbara Fritchman Thompson and Robert Bruce Thompson (U.S. $ 40) is a good practical guide to buying and using PCs. Loaded with advice concise style that clearly provides the information you need, without your having to look for it (
Drive Dirty
Benah-benah the weekend leaving a layer of dust that covered the entire office, and you kuaatir CD-RW drive may be dirty. How should clean it?
Maybe you should not. Even the most subtle rubbing can inhibit laser-sensitive on the drive, so if it is not broke, do not wash. When performance declines, or if your drive can not read the media, try some sprays are directed to either of the air spray cans - available at a price less than U.S. $ 10 in computer stores. Make sure to use a plastic straw that accompany cans. And keep spraying it slowly; pressure spray can cause excessive condensation of moisture accumulated in the interior of the drive. Before using a cleaning kit CD-RW as U.S. $ 15 Kensington Drive Guardian artificial (, seek a recommendation from the drive manufacturer; some recommend, but others do not.
Stop the Old Program
Some software programs that parents really can not function only on a PC at high speed today. If you have old programs that lock or raises an error message every time you want to run it, try CPUKiller; utility is free and easy to use, which allows you to slow down your PC as little or as much as you want. Go to to download it.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Problem peripherals / other components
Speaker is muted
Computer used has souncard complete with speakernya.Tetapi to play music files or video, the speakers is muted.
Make checks:
• Turn on speaker
• Check the cable connections-whether cable or power cable portion audio.Apakah cable already connected to the Soundcard ..
• Try to listen with headphones or speakers to hear another sound then kemunkinan the problem is the speakers.
Kemunkinan other adalahsoftware music player that is wrong, do the following:
• Play music files in your music player software with you
• If a time on the software is not running the software that you bemasalah.
Speaker is muted
Computer used has souncard complete with speakernya.Tetapi to play music files or video, the speakers is muted.
Make checks:
• Turn on speaker
• Check the cable connections-whether cable or power cable portion audio.Apakah cable already connected to the Soundcard ..
• Try to listen with headphones or speakers to hear another sound then kemunkinan the problem is the speakers.
Kemunkinan other adalahsoftware music player that is wrong, do the following:
• Play music files in your music player software with you
• If a time on the software is not running the software that you bemasalah.
Problem vote
Generally sound 'beep' will come out every time the computer to process or the process of booting up the computer before finally successful entry into the operating systems that sit in the komupter us.
But you know that sound 'beep' is not created without reason. try to see you, how many types of beep sound that you hear out of your computer?
For a troubleshooter (citation to analyze a problem on a computer) 'beep' on the computer is a tool that is useful in analyzing a problem. This type of analysis called analysis of voice, will usually be very helpful in knowing with certainty about the failure masalah2 booting process on the computer.
There are several types of 'beep' on the computer every so often we hear, are:
1. The sound of 'beep' 1 short time, indicates that your computer has been successfully conducted and all the components needed for the boot-up computer. If noise is heard, but also your PC is not on, you try to check your VGA cable, if installed correctly or not, or try to check your monitor, if your monitor is functioning properly or not. Conversely, if the computer works on, but no sound 'beep' ... before you try to check internal speaker on your motherboard, or check the motherboard or if necessary, please check your settings in the bios.
2. The sound of 'beep' 2 times shorter, meaning that there is a problem in the configuration or settings in the CMOS.
3. The sound of 'beep' long and short times 1 times 1, meaning there is a problem in the hardware or memory your motherboard, try to re-check that both devices are still able to function / installed properly or not.
4. Beep beep 1 long and short time 2 time, meaning there is a problem on the monitor or VGA Card.
5. The sound of 'beep' the length of time 1 and 3 times shorter, meaning that there is a problem on the keyboard, try to check your keyboard, or try to tighten the connection cable from the keyboard that is usually connected to the serial port, ps2 or usb.
6. The sound of 'beep' long and 1 short times 9 times, this means there is a problem in the ROM BIOS.
7. The sound of 'beep' long ongoing, meaning there is a problem in the DRAM.
8. The sound of 'beep' of ongoing, meaning there is a problem acceptance voltage (power).
9. In some brand motherboard issue akan sound 'beep' several times when processornya temperature is too high (hot).
Note: The sound of beep code above apply to the AWARD BIOS, the BIOS for the possibility that other code has a different beep sound.
But you know that sound 'beep' is not created without reason. try to see you, how many types of beep sound that you hear out of your computer?
For a troubleshooter (citation to analyze a problem on a computer) 'beep' on the computer is a tool that is useful in analyzing a problem. This type of analysis called analysis of voice, will usually be very helpful in knowing with certainty about the failure masalah2 booting process on the computer.
There are several types of 'beep' on the computer every so often we hear, are:
1. The sound of 'beep' 1 short time, indicates that your computer has been successfully conducted and all the components needed for the boot-up computer. If noise is heard, but also your PC is not on, you try to check your VGA cable, if installed correctly or not, or try to check your monitor, if your monitor is functioning properly or not. Conversely, if the computer works on, but no sound 'beep' ... before you try to check internal speaker on your motherboard, or check the motherboard or if necessary, please check your settings in the bios.
2. The sound of 'beep' 2 times shorter, meaning that there is a problem in the configuration or settings in the CMOS.
3. The sound of 'beep' long and short times 1 times 1, meaning there is a problem in the hardware or memory your motherboard, try to re-check that both devices are still able to function / installed properly or not.
4. Beep beep 1 long and short time 2 time, meaning there is a problem on the monitor or VGA Card.
5. The sound of 'beep' the length of time 1 and 3 times shorter, meaning that there is a problem on the keyboard, try to check your keyboard, or try to tighten the connection cable from the keyboard that is usually connected to the serial port, ps2 or usb.
6. The sound of 'beep' long and 1 short times 9 times, this means there is a problem in the ROM BIOS.
7. The sound of 'beep' long ongoing, meaning there is a problem in the DRAM.
8. The sound of 'beep' of ongoing, meaning there is a problem acceptance voltage (power).
9. In some brand motherboard issue akan sound 'beep' several times when processornya temperature is too high (hot).
Note: The sound of beep code above apply to the AWARD BIOS, the BIOS for the possibility that other code has a different beep sound.
Problem video Problems with the monitor
Analysis & solutions:
1. See the indicator light
2. Check the contrast and brightnes
3. See self test on the display screen
4. Perikasa power cable on the monitor
5. Perikasa cable data cable connection on the video out port and the display adapter
Other causes:
1. Damage display adapter card (sounds normal: BIP & sound ... there is a problem: bip4x)
2. Memory / RAM
Analysis & solutions:
1. Check the hardware and software display adapter
2. Setting resolution display adapter with a restart in safe mode with a press F8, right click desktop select properties and select the settings tab. Setting down the tabs on the display resolution and select Apply - OK.
1. See the indicator light
2. Check the contrast and brightnes
3. See self test on the display screen
4. Perikasa power cable on the monitor
5. Perikasa cable data cable connection on the video out port and the display adapter
Other causes:
1. Damage display adapter card (sounds normal: BIP & sound ... there is a problem: bip4x)
2. Memory / RAM
Analysis & solutions:
1. Check the hardware and software display adapter
2. Setting resolution display adapter with a restart in safe mode with a press F8, right click desktop select properties and select the settings tab. Setting down the tabs on the display resolution and select Apply - OK.
Problem on Disk (Data Storage Media)
Hard disk failure
After Power On self test, the BIOS melaporka message kesalahan'harddisk failure "After that the process of booting koputer and failed to stop the system
• check whether the BIOS setup can still be hard to detect
• If check disk is not recognized before the connection cable connection that is hard in the casing may have a loose or does not stick properly.
• If the disk is still not known to consult with experts oramg the hard disk.
Hard disk failure
After Power On self test, the BIOS melaporka message kesalahan'harddisk failure "After that the process of booting koputer and failed to stop the system
• check whether the BIOS setup can still be hard to detect
• If check disk is not recognized before the connection cable connection that is hard in the casing may have a loose or does not stick properly.
• If the disk is still not known to consult with experts oramg the hard disk.
Problem in Memory
This causes Windows to detect the less RAM than the previous:
1. "Damage" physical ". To overcome this you must check the condition of the physical RAM. Open your computer case, and pull the RAM is. Clean RAM and when socketnya dirty. Check also whether there is rust. You must also ensure that the RAM is of the same (golden or silvery). If different, you should replace the RAM.
2. ROM BIOS Shadowing On some 16 bit drivers and, sometimes wearing some (read: little) RAM before Windows is started. There are also some BIOS ROM shadowing feature that will copy the contents of system and video BIOS ROM to RAM in order to improve the performance of your computer (On DOS and Windows 3.1). This is because the ROM speed is lower than the RAM. But if you're using Windows 95/98/NT with minimal memory that should feature ROM shadowing off course (from the CMOS setup), for Windows 95/98/NT rarely access the ROM so that RAM can be used by Windows.
3. Use VGA card on board. If for example you have 32 Mb RAM and 2 MB VGA card, the RAM that can be used only as much as 30 Mb (32 Mb - 2 Mb). So should not the VGA card on board.
4. There is a driver or program that is run from autoexec.bat or config.sys that work using the RAM. The solution: Edit autoexec.bat and config.sys file using Notepad. Then edit the line that "suspicious" or that some are used to load the program. When you add the word REM met (but when you add the word REM program is not akan di-load/dijalankan). When you use the driver CD-ROM 4x from Teac, change the parameters xmssize = -1 in the autoexec.bat into xmssize = 0.
5. Virtual device driver running from system.ini. To overcome this open system with the click Start - Run - type sysedit. Select system.ini. Then edit the line which approximately is used to load virtual device driver. Other alternative is to create a new file system.ini.
6. There is a line on Maxphyspage Please see the system.ini file in the system.ini file, whether there is a line Maxphyspage or not. If so, delete the line.
7. Error in the CMOS settings. On some computers there is a feature Memory Hole at 16 Mb or Hold to 15 Mb RAM. If the feature is enable the RAM if you have a greater than 15 Mb or 16 Mb, Windows will detect as much as 15 Mb or 16 Mb. To overcome this, please disable the feature is.
8. Ramdrive.sys load from config.sys Check your Config.sys file for a line containing "Ramdrive.sys." If you have this line, it means you are using a RAM drive. To disable the RAM drive, remove or disable the line in the Config.sys file that contains "ramdrive.sys." To disable the line, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the Config.sys file and place a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line. Open the config.sys file with Notepad. Check on the file, whether there is a line ramdrive.sys. If so, delete the line
Why errors occur after I install new RAM?
You can look at a manual booknya. For some of the BIOS: If you install (for example) 2-4 Mb 2-8 Mb Simms and Simms, you have to put more RAM in Bank 1.
After I install new RAM, why frequent Blue Screen?
On computers that use the bus 66 MHz (Pentium 133 or higher), RAM is required with a speed of 60 ns or higher. You can only use RAM with a speed that is less than 60 ns, but you must change the settings in the BIOS Wait State. Change the setting from 0 (zero) to 1 (one).
After adding RAM, the RAM is detected still the same? After you install the RAM, you have to reset the BIOS Setup. How, at the first turn on the computer until the BIOS logo appears, press Del (for some machines may be Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination or another). When finished, select Save Settings and Exit. For additional information on these settings, you can read in the manul booknya.
Why am I seeing any posts parity Check Error?
Posts parity error check can show if there is damage in one of the RAM, one of the DMA is not running smoothly, or that there is parity boot virus on your hard disk.
1. "Damage" physical ". To overcome this you must check the condition of the physical RAM. Open your computer case, and pull the RAM is. Clean RAM and when socketnya dirty. Check also whether there is rust. You must also ensure that the RAM is of the same (golden or silvery). If different, you should replace the RAM.
2. ROM BIOS Shadowing On some 16 bit drivers and, sometimes wearing some (read: little) RAM before Windows is started. There are also some BIOS ROM shadowing feature that will copy the contents of system and video BIOS ROM to RAM in order to improve the performance of your computer (On DOS and Windows 3.1). This is because the ROM speed is lower than the RAM. But if you're using Windows 95/98/NT with minimal memory that should feature ROM shadowing off course (from the CMOS setup), for Windows 95/98/NT rarely access the ROM so that RAM can be used by Windows.
3. Use VGA card on board. If for example you have 32 Mb RAM and 2 MB VGA card, the RAM that can be used only as much as 30 Mb (32 Mb - 2 Mb). So should not the VGA card on board.
4. There is a driver or program that is run from autoexec.bat or config.sys that work using the RAM. The solution: Edit autoexec.bat and config.sys file using Notepad. Then edit the line that "suspicious" or that some are used to load the program. When you add the word REM met (but when you add the word REM program is not akan di-load/dijalankan). When you use the driver CD-ROM 4x from Teac, change the parameters xmssize = -1 in the autoexec.bat into xmssize = 0.
5. Virtual device driver running from system.ini. To overcome this open system with the click Start - Run - type sysedit. Select system.ini. Then edit the line which approximately is used to load virtual device driver. Other alternative is to create a new file system.ini.
6. There is a line on Maxphyspage Please see the system.ini file in the system.ini file, whether there is a line Maxphyspage or not. If so, delete the line.
7. Error in the CMOS settings. On some computers there is a feature Memory Hole at 16 Mb or Hold to 15 Mb RAM. If the feature is enable the RAM if you have a greater than 15 Mb or 16 Mb, Windows will detect as much as 15 Mb or 16 Mb. To overcome this, please disable the feature is.
8. Ramdrive.sys load from config.sys Check your Config.sys file for a line containing "Ramdrive.sys." If you have this line, it means you are using a RAM drive. To disable the RAM drive, remove or disable the line in the Config.sys file that contains "ramdrive.sys." To disable the line, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the Config.sys file and place a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line. Open the config.sys file with Notepad. Check on the file, whether there is a line ramdrive.sys. If so, delete the line
Why errors occur after I install new RAM?
You can look at a manual booknya. For some of the BIOS: If you install (for example) 2-4 Mb 2-8 Mb Simms and Simms, you have to put more RAM in Bank 1.
After I install new RAM, why frequent Blue Screen?
On computers that use the bus 66 MHz (Pentium 133 or higher), RAM is required with a speed of 60 ns or higher. You can only use RAM with a speed that is less than 60 ns, but you must change the settings in the BIOS Wait State. Change the setting from 0 (zero) to 1 (one).
After adding RAM, the RAM is detected still the same? After you install the RAM, you have to reset the BIOS Setup. How, at the first turn on the computer until the BIOS logo appears, press Del (for some machines may be Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination or another). When finished, select Save Settings and Exit. For additional information on these settings, you can read in the manul booknya.
Why am I seeing any posts parity Check Error?
Posts parity error check can show if there is damage in one of the RAM, one of the DMA is not running smoothly, or that there is parity boot virus on your hard disk.
Problem in the Processor / CPU
Place the new processor but not terdeteksi.Tetepi at the time of booting the first time, the CPU speed that does not appear in the BIOS with the default number is a new processor.
If at the time of booting pertamakalisetelah replace the processor, the CPU speed shown in the BIOS does not like the default processor angkka new langkahpengecekan then do the following:
~ Check again if the CPU is installed correctly.
~ If the CPU is installed correctly, but is still not detected dangan well, try to check the settings motherboard.Apakah-jumpers jumpers that have been installed correctly?
~ Be careful for this step. At least you have to understand the exact position of the CPU dangan learn manual prosesor.Jika engineers need to call or the more experienced to assist you.
Place the new processor but not terdeteksi.Tetepi at the time of booting the first time, the CPU speed that does not appear in the BIOS with the default number is a new processor.
If at the time of booting pertamakalisetelah replace the processor, the CPU speed shown in the BIOS does not like the default processor angkka new langkahpengecekan then do the following:
~ Check again if the CPU is installed correctly.
~ If the CPU is installed correctly, but is still not detected dangan well, try to check the settings motherboard.Apakah-jumpers jumpers that have been installed correctly?
~ Be careful for this step. At least you have to understand the exact position of the CPU dangan learn manual prosesor.Jika engineers need to call or the more experienced to assist you.
Problem when running computer
Computer hangs frequently
Booting the computer can be well used and normal.tetapi time work, often experience computer hangs and the jammed-tiba.Kondisi arrived at the hang-macam.Mulai any variety of programs that do not want to run, the mouse can not be driven Keyboard does not work, until appear blue screen.hal is of course very possible because the work is often forgotten because lost data stored on the work.
Many things can happen and cause the computer seringmacet or hang.Tetapi the outline, which often cause the computer hangs because the software crashes and hangs caused because the hardware crash.Jika computer often hangs due to software crash, trying to do things following:
Press the key combination [ctrl + [alt] + [del] bersamaan.bila the close program dialog box appears, then there will be some programs that have active information 'not responding' program that is causing the computer hangs.
Click on the program hangs, then click "end task" to shut the program tersebut.tutup also programs that do not need to.
If the computer still hangs the only way is merestartnya.
Computer hangs frequently
Booting the computer can be well used and normal.tetapi time work, often experience computer hangs and the jammed-tiba.Kondisi arrived at the hang-macam.Mulai any variety of programs that do not want to run, the mouse can not be driven Keyboard does not work, until appear blue screen.hal is of course very possible because the work is often forgotten because lost data stored on the work.
Many things can happen and cause the computer seringmacet or hang.Tetapi the outline, which often cause the computer hangs because the software crashes and hangs caused because the hardware crash.Jika computer often hangs due to software crash, trying to do things following:
Press the key combination [ctrl + [alt] + [del] bersamaan.bila the close program dialog box appears, then there will be some programs that have active information 'not responding' program that is causing the computer hangs.
Click on the program hangs, then click "end task" to shut the program tersebut.tutup also programs that do not need to.
If the computer still hangs the only way is merestartnya.
BIOS create code
BIOS, stands for Basic Input Output System, in a computer system or kompatibelnya IBM PC (computer based on Intel x86 processor family) refers to the routine collection of software that is capable of doing the following:
1. Initialisation (ignition) and the testing of the hardware (in a process called the Power On Self Test, POST)
2. Loading and running the operating system
3. Set some basic configuration in the computer (the date, time, media storage configuration, the configuration process of booting, performance, stability and computer)
4. Help the operating system and applications in the process of the hardware settings using the BIOS Runtime Services.
BIOS provides a low-level communication interface, and can control many types of hardware (such as a keyboard). Because proximity to the hardware, the BIOS is generally made by using assembly language (assembly) that is used by the engine.
You Must Know BIOS Beep Code On Your Computer!
[BIOS] Problem / issue on the PC or controller components can be detected with a voice that comes from the spiker to the BIOS during POST (Power On Self-Test). Bunyinya vary depending on the problem.
AMI BIOS Beep Code:
* 1 short beep DRAM refresh failure
* Beep 2 short-circuits failed to check the balance of parity DRAM (system memory)
* 3 short beeps the BIOS fails to access the first memory 64 KB. Try to change the position of the card slot on the Other RAM.
* 4 short beep timer on the system failed to work
* 5 short beeps motherboard can not run the processor. Could be because there are components that berinterferensi with the system.
* 6 short beep on the keyboard controller can not run normally
7 * Video mode short beep error. Pocessor testing can not be virtual mode ririskiky complete.
* 8 short beep test VGA memory failed. Motherboard can not write the video frame buffer card.
* 9 short beeps BIOS ROM checksum error problem. Can be due to the BIOS code stored in the chip corrupt.
* 10 short beeps CMOS Shutdown Read / Write an error. After the BIOS can not be accessed motherboard.
To computer security, the password is done in the BIOS. But after some time using it, computer users will forget the password so that when the computer, you do not go to the operating system.
The very best way to mengatasr it adalh revoke the CMOS battery is in my computer or do a short relationship in the battery. But before membonkarcasing your PC, do not have one if you try to alter some of the password natif as below. Password alternative is provided by the manufacturer of the BIOS password as defauolt. As a note, each version of the BIOS have the password alone. And below will only deliver some of the default password for the two producers, namely AMI BIOS and AWARD
Some of the default password for AMI BIOS:
• A.M.I
• Hewitt Rand
Are the following are some sefault password for AWARD BIOS
• 589589
• bonnieclyderip
• Awkward
• 1256
• 1262
1. Initialisation (ignition) and the testing of the hardware (in a process called the Power On Self Test, POST)
2. Loading and running the operating system
3. Set some basic configuration in the computer (the date, time, media storage configuration, the configuration process of booting, performance, stability and computer)
4. Help the operating system and applications in the process of the hardware settings using the BIOS Runtime Services.
BIOS provides a low-level communication interface, and can control many types of hardware (such as a keyboard). Because proximity to the hardware, the BIOS is generally made by using assembly language (assembly) that is used by the engine.
You Must Know BIOS Beep Code On Your Computer!
[BIOS] Problem / issue on the PC or controller components can be detected with a voice that comes from the spiker to the BIOS during POST (Power On Self-Test). Bunyinya vary depending on the problem.
AMI BIOS Beep Code:
* 1 short beep DRAM refresh failure
* Beep 2 short-circuits failed to check the balance of parity DRAM (system memory)
* 3 short beeps the BIOS fails to access the first memory 64 KB. Try to change the position of the card slot on the Other RAM.
* 4 short beep timer on the system failed to work
* 5 short beeps motherboard can not run the processor. Could be because there are components that berinterferensi with the system.
* 6 short beep on the keyboard controller can not run normally
7 * Video mode short beep error. Pocessor testing can not be virtual mode ririskiky complete.
* 8 short beep test VGA memory failed. Motherboard can not write the video frame buffer card.
* 9 short beeps BIOS ROM checksum error problem. Can be due to the BIOS code stored in the chip corrupt.
* 10 short beeps CMOS Shutdown Read / Write an error. After the BIOS can not be accessed motherboard.
To computer security, the password is done in the BIOS. But after some time using it, computer users will forget the password so that when the computer, you do not go to the operating system.
The very best way to mengatasr it adalh revoke the CMOS battery is in my computer or do a short relationship in the battery. But before membonkarcasing your PC, do not have one if you try to alter some of the password natif as below. Password alternative is provided by the manufacturer of the BIOS password as defauolt. As a note, each version of the BIOS have the password alone. And below will only deliver some of the default password for the two producers, namely AMI BIOS and AWARD
Some of the default password for AMI BIOS:
• A.M.I
• Hewitt Rand
Are the following are some sefault password for AWARD BIOS
• 589589
• bonnieclyderip
• Awkward
• 1256
• 1262
Booting is not perfect
Computer Booting But How Slow Boot Process
And booting the computer can enter operating system, but the process is very slow when booting if dilihatdari computer specifications that have not sharusnya podići at this process.
If kompiter slow in the process was due to specification of the processor and memory capacity of a low, that is so halnya.Tetapi if the computer specification is there enough memadahi while booting process masihlambat, that solution should be sought.
Koputer that the process is too slow booting, usually caused by too many programs that is uploaded during a star padfa up. It may make extravagant computer memory. to overcome it, trying to do the following steps:
• Close all applications that are currently active on the computer.
• The dialog box appears Utilities system configuration with the click to make Start Menu Programs> run.
• Type in "msconfig" in the box dantekan open the Enter key. This is the dialog box will display the system configuration utilities.
• Click on the starup tab dialog box. Check mark that appears on this dialog box is daftarprogram-active program since Windos run. if the check quite a lot, some makahilangkan that you do not need to leave and there are only pad the peril only. For example just remove the check on the programs sepertie-mail client. Messenger, Microsoft office start-up and other applications that sebetulnyadapat opened at any time.
• Click Apply and OK to activate. And click YES on the confirmation to restart your system
Make a list of controlling the start-up program that regularly, so your system memory terjada well.
Problems booting the PC does not want to frighten the user kerapkali computer. A variety of pad can be a factor why it does not want to booting the PC. Here is my akan utarakanbeberapa problem and an error message when booting the PC to do its way out
And booting the computer can enter operating system, but the process is very slow when booting if dilihatdari computer specifications that have not sharusnya podići at this process.
If kompiter slow in the process was due to specification of the processor and memory capacity of a low, that is so halnya.Tetapi if the computer specification is there enough memadahi while booting process masihlambat, that solution should be sought.
Koputer that the process is too slow booting, usually caused by too many programs that is uploaded during a star padfa up. It may make extravagant computer memory. to overcome it, trying to do the following steps:
• Close all applications that are currently active on the computer.
• The dialog box appears Utilities system configuration with the click to make Start Menu Programs> run.
• Type in "msconfig" in the box dantekan open the Enter key. This is the dialog box will display the system configuration utilities.
• Click on the starup tab dialog box. Check mark that appears on this dialog box is daftarprogram-active program since Windos run. if the check quite a lot, some makahilangkan that you do not need to leave and there are only pad the peril only. For example just remove the check on the programs sepertie-mail client. Messenger, Microsoft office start-up and other applications that sebetulnyadapat opened at any time.
• Click Apply and OK to activate. And click YES on the confirmation to restart your system
Make a list of controlling the start-up program that regularly, so your system memory terjada well.
Problems booting the PC does not want to frighten the user kerapkali computer. A variety of pad can be a factor why it does not want to booting the PC. Here is my akan utarakanbeberapa problem and an error message when booting the PC to do its way out
Tips use the keyboard
In the current period has a range of products available keyboard
directed so that you feel comfortable typing, although in a long time.
But more important is how you set the postures
and the position of your body, especially your arms, so that you can
avoid fatigue and injury.
To have a good idea to follow that advice, Stephanie Brown, a
American home piano teacher, in the magazine "Her World". "Follow the discipline
piano player is in stage, "he said. Stephanie gave five
instructions to apply when you type on the keyboard.
1. Sejajarkan wrist with the palm
Strive always your wrist in line with the
hand. Lemaskan your wrist as
float. Do not tense.
2. Position elbow hang
Make sure your elbow in a position free swing.
Lean on the elbow back seat while typing, in addition to
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practice exercises in this module
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10-finger typing skills
to to type, you also create a tense and
tired quickly.
3. Lemaskan index finger and your ring finger
Hot-key without typing is tired accommodate all fingers
you. Do not be rigid and tense. Leave the weak, rileks, is.
4. Press the button with the quiet
Do not press the button with a strong stream or strength
on your hands full. Remember, you're typing, not
hit the button keyboard.
5. When you're not typing
Lemaskan whole hand when not push the button
on the keyboard. The situation before you type the
affect the condition of your time in typing
directed so that you feel comfortable typing, although in a long time.
But more important is how you set the postures
and the position of your body, especially your arms, so that you can
avoid fatigue and injury.
To have a good idea to follow that advice, Stephanie Brown, a
American home piano teacher, in the magazine "Her World". "Follow the discipline
piano player is in stage, "he said. Stephanie gave five
instructions to apply when you type on the keyboard.
1. Sejajarkan wrist with the palm
Strive always your wrist in line with the
hand. Lemaskan your wrist as
float. Do not tense.
2. Position elbow hang
Make sure your elbow in a position free swing.
Lean on the elbow back seat while typing, in addition to
Please continue to learn and
practice exercises in this module
MODUL of teaching materials
All Program Expertise
10-finger typing skills
to to type, you also create a tense and
tired quickly.
3. Lemaskan index finger and your ring finger
Hot-key without typing is tired accommodate all fingers
you. Do not be rigid and tense. Leave the weak, rileks, is.
4. Press the button with the quiet
Do not press the button with a strong stream or strength
on your hands full. Remember, you're typing, not
hit the button keyboard.
5. When you're not typing
Lemaskan whole hand when not push the button
on the keyboard. The situation before you type the
affect the condition of your time in typing
Types of monitor
Monitor Catoda Ray Tube (CRT)
This monitor is a monitor that has a tube to produce electron
screen shot, so the image created on the screen as I work in television. Monitor this
the 15 pin port with 3 lines.
Monitor Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
How this is to monitor the flow of electrical stimulation from the outside
To the liquid crystal (material biphenyl), so that will change the properties of light
Skipping crystal.
TFT LCD Monitor
TFT LCD technology such as liquid crystal diisikan between the two plate glass, the color
filter glass and the TFT glass. Color filter glass color filters that have served
emit color, while glass has TFT Thin Film transistor of pixels
are shown. Liquid crystal move in accordance with the voltage difference between the color
glass filter with the TFT glass. The amount of light that dipasok by Back Light is determined by
the amount of movement of liquid crystal which in turn will form the color.
Table-type according to the type of monitor adapter card, the color resolution, and the number of pins.
= MDA Monochrome Display Adapter
EGA = Enhanced Graphics Adapter
VGA = Video Graphics Array
CGA = Color Graphics Adapter
XGA = X-Graphic Adapter
SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array
Monitor Catoda Ray Tube (CRT)
This monitor is a monitor that has a tube to produce electron
screen shot, so the image created on the screen as I work in television. Monitor this
the 15 pin port with 3 lines.
Monitor Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
How this is to monitor the flow of electrical stimulation from the outside
To the liquid crystal (material biphenyl), so that will change the properties of light
Skipping crystal.
TFT LCD Monitor
TFT LCD technology such as liquid crystal diisikan between the two plate glass, the color
filter glass and the TFT glass. Color filter glass color filters that have served
emit color, while glass has TFT Thin Film transistor of pixels
are shown. Liquid crystal move in accordance with the voltage difference between the color
glass filter with the TFT glass. The amount of light that dipasok by Back Light is determined by
the amount of movement of liquid crystal which in turn will form the color.
Table-type according to the type of monitor adapter card, the color resolution, and the number of pins.
= MDA Monochrome Display Adapter
EGA = Enhanced Graphics Adapter
VGA = Video Graphics Array
CGA = Color Graphics Adapter
XGA = X-Graphic Adapter
SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) & stabilizer
The use of electrical current has become a fundamental requirement, especially
in the industry and offices that use a variety of electrical equipment to support
operation work. Use of this great problem of course will result in the supply line
electricity. And as the solution is the use of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
as an alternative source of energy while.
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a good tool to have installed because
storage battery electric current that can be used if the source of the mainstream of the dead. UPS Capacity
farraginous from 200 watt to kilowatt to a few workstaion to protect
several large servers. Some of the UPS can communicate with the computer software
so that men can be set to shutdown the computer, in case of power failures.
Basically, UPS is a source of alternative energy that replaces the temporary
supply of electricity in this case the main power source PLN. However, UPS is well able to
handle the problems of electrical interference such as voltage transien, voltage spike, or
harmonisa distortion / noise.
UPS system itself is a stand-alone system to supply energy
PLN electricity. UPS is expected to protect critical electronic equipment against harmful
voltage power supply, such as computers, network komouter, even the equipment industry to avoid
from the fatal damage. While the stabilizer / stabilizer is a tool that is also used
to stabilize the current-voltage electricity. Akan But on the stabilizer does not use
Cash On meyimpan electric power sata dead. So stabilizer / stabilizer is a
used to add catudaya used to set the computer.
in the industry and offices that use a variety of electrical equipment to support
operation work. Use of this great problem of course will result in the supply line
electricity. And as the solution is the use of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
as an alternative source of energy while.
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a good tool to have installed because
storage battery electric current that can be used if the source of the mainstream of the dead. UPS Capacity
farraginous from 200 watt to kilowatt to a few workstaion to protect
several large servers. Some of the UPS can communicate with the computer software
so that men can be set to shutdown the computer, in case of power failures.
Basically, UPS is a source of alternative energy that replaces the temporary
supply of electricity in this case the main power source PLN. However, UPS is well able to
handle the problems of electrical interference such as voltage transien, voltage spike, or
harmonisa distortion / noise.
UPS system itself is a stand-alone system to supply energy
PLN electricity. UPS is expected to protect critical electronic equipment against harmful
voltage power supply, such as computers, network komouter, even the equipment industry to avoid
from the fatal damage. While the stabilizer / stabilizer is a tool that is also used
to stabilize the current-voltage electricity. Akan But on the stabilizer does not use
Cash On meyimpan electric power sata dead. So stabilizer / stabilizer is a
used to add catudaya used to set the computer.
Mouse Input is a tool that move the pointer Works, bookmark (pointing device)
command or program on the monitor. Use the mouse is the most important part of the system
operations that use the graphics display. At the time of the mouse users often work
used the term "Pointer" to move the work and direct
mouse in the space of the system operasi.Sebagian there are three large buttons, but the
Generally, only two buttons that function key that is most left and the far right.
The influence of the stress or the key is known by the term "Click" depending on the object
(area) that we sight. In addition, we also recognize the mouse with the term "Drag" which means
friction atua interesting. When pressing the left button without releasing the
replace one of the objects, a result will move the object to another object. Kemungkinankeungkinan
This depends on the type of program that we run the application. Mouse connected to the
a cable of the mouse. End of the cable in the input port which is
Computers in the CPU. While the Mouse is comprised of:
Dual button
Three button
Scroll button
Like the keyboard, View from the end of the cable that connects Mouse
with the CPU, in the Mouse serial, PS / 2, USB. In addition, also have the mouse optic and wirelees
(without cable / wireless). On the type of old, there is a rubber ball didalm mouse. Rubber ball
move the mouse responds to movement on a surface. This rubber ball movement akan
changes provide the signal detected by a contact sensor, which is then converted by
CPU into cursor movement on the screen.
Then the optical mouse is shown. In the mouse of this type of mouse does not use the ball again
rubber, but have been using optic sensors to respond to mouse movement. With the optic sensor,
mouse free from dust, dirt stick to a regular ball on the rubber, so that the
errors in the movement of the cursor on the monitor layer.
Then again appear in the mouse pemakaiannya without using the cable,
with this technology the user is not dependent on the length of cable from the mouse, so it can
utilize more free mouse
command or program on the monitor. Use the mouse is the most important part of the system
operations that use the graphics display. At the time of the mouse users often work
used the term "Pointer" to move the work and direct
mouse in the space of the system operasi.Sebagian there are three large buttons, but the
Generally, only two buttons that function key that is most left and the far right.
The influence of the stress or the key is known by the term "Click" depending on the object
(area) that we sight. In addition, we also recognize the mouse with the term "Drag" which means
friction atua interesting. When pressing the left button without releasing the
replace one of the objects, a result will move the object to another object. Kemungkinankeungkinan
This depends on the type of program that we run the application. Mouse connected to the
a cable of the mouse. End of the cable in the input port which is
Computers in the CPU. While the Mouse is comprised of:
Dual button
Three button
Scroll button
Like the keyboard, View from the end of the cable that connects Mouse
with the CPU, in the Mouse serial, PS / 2, USB. In addition, also have the mouse optic and wirelees
(without cable / wireless). On the type of old, there is a rubber ball didalm mouse. Rubber ball
move the mouse responds to movement on a surface. This rubber ball movement akan
changes provide the signal detected by a contact sensor, which is then converted by
CPU into cursor movement on the screen.
Then the optical mouse is shown. In the mouse of this type of mouse does not use the ball again
rubber, but have been using optic sensors to respond to mouse movement. With the optic sensor,
mouse free from dust, dirt stick to a regular ball on the rubber, so that the
errors in the movement of the cursor on the monitor layer.
Then again appear in the mouse pemakaiannya without using the cable,
with this technology the user is not dependent on the length of cable from the mouse, so it can
utilize more free mouse
Differences between Hibernate, Stand-by, Shutdown, Restart, Log off,
Switch user in Windows XP
Hibernate option is generally used on a type of notebook computer. But can
also activated on the desktop PC. Hibernate shutdown system is saving the application
while the hard disk, and called back to the system without the OS from the start.
Options can be a Hibernate option to the security of data while. Because of
more secure, Windows is on the position can be stored into the hard disk. Occurs when power or lose
loss of power, the data remain safe in the hard disk. Kelemahannya, by reading the data
from the hard disk, the speed-up a weak little more than old stand-by system.
Stand-by option is generally chosen when someone want to turn off the computer or
temporarily shut off, or referred to as deep sleep. Options Stand-by mode is very good
used for those who work long and sometimes leave the computer temporarily.
Weak speed-up when called faster than Hibernate. Options Stand-by mode
only done when the electrical power for the computer can keep awake. Unfortunately, if the electric power
lost, all data will be lost when the stand-by mode is active ..
The process to disable the PC engine, either permanent or
while (restart). When the process terebut run, the system will first save the
some of the information needed, before turning off the electric engine.
The process to turn off a PC machine. Temporary. When the process
run, the system will first store some information that is required, then
computer back up.
Switch Users
The process to change the user (User) without disabling the user before
The process to end a session of interactive computer systems. Unlike the shutdown
session until the end stage of rebooting, logoff process stopped when the session is lost from the system,
and then the system will ask for input from the user to start a new session. Opponent
logoff from the log.
Hibernate option is generally used on a type of notebook computer. But can
also activated on the desktop PC. Hibernate shutdown system is saving the application
while the hard disk, and called back to the system without the OS from the start.
Options can be a Hibernate option to the security of data while. Because of
more secure, Windows is on the position can be stored into the hard disk. Occurs when power or lose
loss of power, the data remain safe in the hard disk. Kelemahannya, by reading the data
from the hard disk, the speed-up a weak little more than old stand-by system.
Stand-by option is generally chosen when someone want to turn off the computer or
temporarily shut off, or referred to as deep sleep. Options Stand-by mode is very good
used for those who work long and sometimes leave the computer temporarily.
Weak speed-up when called faster than Hibernate. Options Stand-by mode
only done when the electrical power for the computer can keep awake. Unfortunately, if the electric power
lost, all data will be lost when the stand-by mode is active ..
The process to disable the PC engine, either permanent or
while (restart). When the process terebut run, the system will first save the
some of the information needed, before turning off the electric engine.
The process to turn off a PC machine. Temporary. When the process
run, the system will first store some information that is required, then
computer back up.
Switch Users
The process to change the user (User) without disabling the user before
The process to end a session of interactive computer systems. Unlike the shutdown
session until the end stage of rebooting, logoff process stopped when the session is lost from the system,
and then the system will ask for input from the user to start a new session. Opponent
logoff from the log.
History of Computers
The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and man's need to quantify. Papyrus helped early man to record language and numbers. The abacus was one of the first counting machines. .
Some of the earlier mechanical counting machines lacked the technology to make the design work. For instance, some had parts made of wood prior to metal manipulation and manufacturing. Imagine the wear on wooden gears. This history of computers site includes the names of early pioneers of math and computing and links to related sites about the History of Computers, for further study. This site would be a good Web adjunct to accompany any book on the History of Computers or Introduction to Computers. The "H" Section includes a link to the History of the Web Beginning at CERN which includes Bibliography and Related Links. strives to always include related links for a broader educational experience.
Some of the earlier mechanical counting machines lacked the technology to make the design work. For instance, some had parts made of wood prior to metal manipulation and manufacturing. Imagine the wear on wooden gears. This history of computers site includes the names of early pioneers of math and computing and links to related sites about the History of Computers, for further study. This site would be a good Web adjunct to accompany any book on the History of Computers or Introduction to Computers. The "H" Section includes a link to the History of the Web Beginning at CERN which includes Bibliography and Related Links. strives to always include related links for a broader educational experience.
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